2021 Countywide Surface Treatment Project

The work to be done generally consists of applying an asphalt rubber chip seal covered with a type II slurry seal to various roads in the unincorporated areas of North Richmond, Castle Hill, Alamo, Clyde and Concord areas. Select roads El Sobrante and in the North Richmond and Clyde area will require a Mill and Overlay. Work will also include surface preparation including, weed spray, edge grinding. Pavement failure repair work will be required in the North Richmond, Castle Hill, and Alamo areas, striping removal, adjusting and setting survey monuments to finish grade, and placement of thermoplastic striping and pavement markings. Crack sealing will be completed by the County Maintenance Division prior to the start of this contract.


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date4/19/21 10:00am

Bid Date5/4/21 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

Contra Costa County Public Works Department
Cinda Tovar  


Contra Costa County, CA

Engineer’s cost estimate: $7,100,000