Walden Green 1 and 2 Landscape Improvements

Landscape renovations along the Iron Horse Trail Corridor between the Treat Boulevard pedestrian bridge and Mayhew Way, including: replacement of high water use turf areas in Walden 1 with new plantings, decomposed granite picnic and seating areas; replacement of central meadow area in Walden 2 with a variety of mulch and stone hardscape; removal of dead and dying vegetation; installation of drought tolerant plantings; trimming and mulching of existing vegetation to remain; renovation of existing irrigation systems; installation of benches, trash and recycling cans.
Plans (click to expand/collapse)
Reference Documents (click to expand/collapse)
Download section as a Zip file free of charge
Name Size
GFE Booklet 1.4 MB
Walden 1 North 2003-09-10 16.1 MB
Walden 2 Remedial Action Completion Report 12.3 MB
Walden I 2011-06-30 125.9 MB
Walden II Plans and As-builts 236.4 MB